The authors you love,
Streaming into your home.
With more then 200 author livestreams per year, there's always a chance to get up close and personal with some of the most famous writers and personalities around - all without ever leaving your home.

How does a livesigning work? It's easy.

Find an upcoming livesigning from your favorite authors.
Browse our upcoming livesigning events to find an author that you're interested seeing on a livestream
Buy your author's book and submit your question
Visit to purchase a signed copy of that author's book, don't forget to submit a question for the author to possibly answer on the Livesigning.

Tune in to the livesigning stream and enjoy the show.
Watch a high-quality stream as the author goes live to answer your questions, tell stories and autograph copies of their book.
A signed copy of the author's book arrives at your doorstep.
A few weeks after the LiveSigning event is completed, you will receive your autographed copy of the book.